After 17 years in rented spaces, we're stepping forward to purchase our own building, expanding our reach and deepening our ministry.
Our growing congregation of 500+ members is eager to share the Gospel more effectively. A permanent home enables us to impact our city and nation with Christ's love, offering a space for worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth anytime.
Our vision includes extensive community service, from feeding and clothing the homeless to offering spaces where children and youth can learn about God's love safely. It's about creating a hub for Bible studies, leadership training, and rehabilitation programs, enhancing our outreach and support for the community.
We're raising €7,000,000 to secure a building that accommodates our vision and ministry needs in Dublin. Every donation, regardless of size, brings us closer to this goal. We believe in the power of collective generosity to make this dream a reality.
Join us in this exciting journey of faith. Your support can help us create a lasting legacy for God's Kingdom in Dublin and beyond, blessing our community and each contributor in profound ways.

Bank Transfer
All payments to this account will go towards our building fund.
Please add your Giftaid* number in your payment reference.
Account Name:
All Nations Church
* Gift Aid is a charity incentive that gives a % of the tax you've already paid back to the charities you support. It's an amazing incentive by the government to encourage donations to charity.
Gift Aid doesn't cost you anything!
Send us a few details and we'll be in touch soon.
Note: Your personal tax details are not made known to anyone except one admin in charge of filing Gift Aid claims and nobody else in the church.
You must be on P.A.Y.E. (Pay as you Earn) scheme or self-assessed and donate a minimum of €250 annually. For more information, email us at office@allnations.ie or ask at the Get Connected Desk!