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Jesus said in John 10:10 “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.”

Our calling is to connect people with their Creator, and to help them rediscover this abundant life He has promised to those who follow Him. 

At All Nations Church, you will begin a journey of discovery: rediscovery!

Join us this Sunday at 11:00 am.


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Precisa de Oração?

Temos uma equipe dedicada que levará seus pedidos de oração ao Senhor. Você pode nos enviar uma mensagem online ou vir orar conosco pessoalmente.

Glory to God!

We are calling on the Church to share  stories of how God came through for you and encourage the Body of Christ by proclaiming what God is doing in our lives!


Building Fund


It is our desire to see our city and nation impacted for Christ. We believe that a strong Christ-centred church is key to this objective. We need a home where people can gather at any time, to worship, pray, fellowship and hear the preaching of God’s Word.

Every donation, no matter how big or small, will make a difference and bring us closer to our goal. We are grateful for your support and we pray that God will bless you abundantly.


Thank you so much for joining us in this exciting journey of faith. Together, we can make a lasting impact for God’s Kingdom in Dublin, Ireland and the nations.

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