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Year 1- Class 2

Term: 15th Apr - 17th Jun


  • 15th April: "Developing a Passion for Prayer" - Ellen Sullivan

  • 22nd April: "The Believer’s Authority" - Anne Neasy

  • 29th April: "How to be led by the Spirit" - Ps Joanna Ahern

  • 06th May: "How to Win the Lost" - Grace Sullivan

  • 13th May: "The Power of the Blood of Jesus" - Anne Neasy

  • 20th May: "The Fruit of the Spirit (part1)" - Gill Chew

  • 27th May: "The Fruit of the Spirit (part 2)" - Gill Chew

  • 03rd June: "The Power of the tongue" - Gill Chew

  • 10th June: "Supernatural Healing" - Patricia De Courcy

  • 17th June: "The Armour of God" - Anne Neasy

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All Nations Church, National Stadium
145 South Circular Rd, Dublin 8, D08 HY40 


Entre em contato com Vita:

Celular: 0874602573

Telefone fixo: 014548828


Horário de Atendimento:

Seg a Qui das 9h30 às 17h (Qua: meio dia)

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