Kristallnacht Commemoration
We are holding a Kristallnacht Commemoration this Thurs 9th of November at 7:30pm in The National Boxing Stadium, 145 South Circular Road, Dublin 8, and you are invited!

Time & Location
09 de nov. de 2023, 19:30 – 21:00
National Boxing Stadium, 145 S Circular Rd, Saint Catherine's, Dublin, D08 HY40, Ireland
About The Event
Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass) marked a turning point for Jews during the reign of the Third Reich. On that night, thousands of Jewish businesses were attacked and looted, along with many synagogues being burned, and 30,000 Jewish men and boys arrested and sent to concentration camps.
We are gathering next Thurs 9th Nov to remember, show respect, and to remind the world, that never again, means, never again. Yanky Fachler will be giving a personal account of his late father’s first-hand experiences during Kristallnacht.